Review by Gabriel Karrouze FdSc, RHAD, MSHAA
The brand new Phonak Paradise P90 from Phonak promises to be a force to reckon with.
These aids have features to help with speech in loud noise, echo block, and you can even access Siri with just a tap to the aids!
Like their predecessor the "Marvel" they also have the ability to connect to a wide variety of bluetooth devices for direct streaming of audio.
Using the aids it is also possible for you to make phone calls without even taking your mobile out of your pocket.
The aids change program automatically by scanning their environment meaning no fiddling with the aids to get the optimum sound in all situations.
As is becoming the norm, the aids are available rechargeable and also have extensive remote programming facilities meaning that wherever you are in the World we can remotely fine tune the aids and even conduct a hearing screening as if you were in the clinic. This gives us the ability to give the highest level of aftercare service no matter what is happening with the World health crisis.
It is too early to rate them out of 5 yet as I am awaiting the results of my first few patient trials so watch this space!